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Please note that the sg arrival card is not a visa. If you hold a travel document issued by one of the countries or places listed below, you will require a valid singapore entry visa to travel to, and seek entry, into singapore. The sg arrival card with electronic health declaration (sg arrival card) facilitates the submission of personal information, trip details and health declaration by all travellers seeking entry into singapore. You may refer to entry and visa requirements for more information. 準備ができて モチーフ 見分ける ドンキホーテ 電動 自転車 チラシ Please refer to entry requirements for more information. You may refer to entry and visa requirements for more information. If you hold a travel document issued by one of the countries or places listed below, you will require a valid singapore entry visa to travel to, and seek entry, into singapore. Please note that the sg arrival card is not a visa. ついに錦糸町にドンキがやってきた! 錦糸町駅の北口に、 ディスカウントストア「ドン・キホーテ」が2021年11月19日(金)にオープン しました。 墨田区内にいままでドンキは無く、近隣では...